Item Title
A few words to identify your gift.
First and last name are required.
Item description
What do potential bidders need to know about your donation? If it’s an event, tell us when and where it will happen, or if that will be decided later. You may suggest an opening bid amount.
Ignore the formatting bar; text formatting is set by the Auction page itself. Please keep your description to under about 75 words.
Horizontal or square pictures look best. Click “Choose File” to find and upload a picture on your computer (.jpg or .png fiels only). Please don’t send pictures larger than 2 MB.
Item Type
Choose at least one category. Multiple categories are fine.
“Classic Auction” refers to things that have appeared in our auctions year after year, like the Bottle of Muscatel or the Brother’s Lighthouse visit.
Email and phone
Just in case we need to reach you with a question. This information will not appear on the Auction page.
Click Submit. To block spammers, we will review submissions before posting. Give us a day or two.
Thank you.