Each year the Richmond Rotary supports a wide variety of community and international projects. The support can take the form of hands-on-volunteering, financial assistance, or both.

This page lists the projects and organizations that we are currently supporting, at home and abroad.

Community Support 2023-24

Bay Area Girls Club
Sponsor of “Men Who Cook”


Bikes for Kids
Bikes for Fire and Police Holiday Giveaway


Children’s Art Studio Richmond
Art Program Supplies


Contra Costa Youth Services Bureau
23rd Street Halloween


Eastshore Neighborhood Council
Easter Egg Hunt at BTA Park


Cupboards for Souper Kitchen


Just Imagine KidZ
Black History Teacher Training


Miraflores Project


NIAD Art Center
Handicap Ramp and Headphones


Peres K-8 School
$100 grant to all teachers

3rd Grade Book Club

Peres Tanita Dental Clinic


RCF Connects – Sparkpoint
Rental Assistance/client support


Richmond Art Center
Main Gallery Restoration


Richmond Food Pantry
General support


Richmond Museum

Summer Youth Field Trip

RotaCare West Contra Costa
Alamo Clinic

Volunteer Meals

RPAL Culinary Kitchen
Kitchen Equipment Genser Center


Salesian College Prep
Girls Softball Scoreboard




Shimada Friendship Program

Support Student travel to Shimada

Teen Moms -Greenwood Academy
Gift Bags and Support


Wendell Area Action Team

Safety Lighting to Reduce Crime


West County Salesian Youth Club
Summer field trips


SOS! Richmond
Tents and Rain Gear


YES Nature to Neighborhoods
Summer Camp Scholarships

International Projects 2023-24

Uganda Tailoring Training Program
Monterey Mexico Cardiac Care Program
Mexico School Construction
Ethiopian School Funding
TuTu Desk Program



Community Support 2022-2023

Art of Peace – “Time for Peace” sculpture of decommissioned firearms
Bay Area Girls Club – College Bound Program
Bikes for Kids – Bikes for Fire and Police Toy Program
Cinco de Mayo – Cinco de Mayo Parade 23rd street
Collaborising – Support moving from unhoused to housed
Freedom School-Easter Hill UMC – Afterschool enrichment for Summer School
Eastshore Neighborhood Council – Easter Egg Hunt
Friends of Richmond Recreation – Tree for Roundabout near Pogo Park
GRIP – Dining Room Tables
Housing First – Rent for previously unhoused
Masquers Playhouse – Warehouse bathroom remodel
Miraflores Project  Spring Fling with PPNC at Miraflores
New Life Movement – STEM Lab
NIAD – Weaving and Rug Making Equipment
Peres Teacher Support – $100 for 29 teachers
Peres Book Club – Stipends for 3rd grade teachers,
Back to School Backpack program
Peres Tanita Dental Clinic – Admin support for Reopening
Pickleball – BTA court resurfacing
Pogo Park – Art Station after school program
Richmond Art Center – WCCUSD Art Show Reception
Richmond Food Pantry – General support
RotaCare Meals – Meals for volunteers 2 months
RotaCare TCC – RotaCare TCC grant submitted by Alamo
Salesian College Prep – Golf Tee Sponsor
Teen Moms – Mother’s Day Gift Bags
West County Salesian Youth Club – Support summer field trips
West County Reads – Cultural, bilingual, graphic novels
SOS! Richmond – 20 Tents for unhoused residents
YES Nature to Neighborhoods – Five Summer Camperships

International Projects 2022-2023

Help a Life Foundation
Namungoona Children Art Center
Los Ayala Classroom Project
Amarok Society
Cardiac Care Unit in Monterey, Mexico

Community Support 2021-2022
Bikes for Kids
CC Youth Service Bureau
Early Childhood Mental Health Program (ECMHP)
Greater Richmond Interfaith Program (GRIP)
Housing First (support from Mayor’s Fund)
Miraflores Centennial Project 2020: An Immigrant Story
Peres After School Book Club
Peres Teacher Support
Pickleball (East Bay)
Pogo Park
Richmond Art Center
Richmond Food Pantry
Richmond Museum
Salesian College Prep
Teen Moms
WCC Salesian Boys and Girls
International Projects 2021-2022

Help a Life Foundation
La Prepa High School
Juticalpa Water Project