What is Rotary?

Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 32,000 clubs in more than
200 countries and geographical areas. Visit the Rotary International website to learn about its programs, accomplishments, and goals.

The Object of Rotary


The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

First, the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.

Second, high ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.

Third, the application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life.

Fourth, the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

Why Become a Rotarian?

Opportunity to serve

Rotary is a service club. Its product is service. Rotarians provide this service to both local and international communities. This is perhaps the best reason for becoming a Rotarian: the chance to do something for someone else, to sense the self-fulfillment that comes in the process and return of that satisfaction to one’s own life. It is richly rewarding.


Rotary members are prominent people; leaders of business, the professions, art, government, sports, military, religion, and all disciplines. Rotary is the oldest and most prestigious service club in the world. Its ranks include executives, managers, professionals – people who make decisions and influence policy.

Citizenship in the community

Membership in a Rotary Club makes one a better community citizen. The average Rotary club consists of the most active members of any community.

Leadership development

Rotary is an organization of leaders and successful people. Serving in Rotary positions is like a college education. Leadership: – learning how to motivate, influence and lead.

Cultural awareness

Around the world, practically every religion, country, culture, race, creed, political persuasion, language, color and ethnic identity is found in Rotary. It is a cross section of the world’s most prominent citizens from every background.

Rotarians become aware of their cultures and learn to love and work with people everywhere. They become better citizens of their countries in the process.

Ethical development

Rotarians practice the 4-Way Test that governs one’s ethical standards. Rotarians are expected to be ethical in business and personal relationships.

Personal growth and Development

Membership in Rotary continues one’s growth and education in human relations and personal development.

Business development

The second original reason for Rotary’s beginning is business development. Everyone needs to network. Rotary consists of a cross section of every business. Its members come from all walks of life. Rotarians help each other and collectively help others.


In an increasingly complex world, Rotary provides two of the most basic human needs: friendship and fellowship. It is the reason why Rotary began in 1905.

Citizenship in the World

Every Rotarian wears a pin that says “Rotary International”. There are very few places on the globe that do not have a Rotary club. Every Rotarian is welcome – even encouraged – to attend any of the 29,000 clubs in 186 countries and geographical regions. This means instant friends in both one’s own and world communities.

Continuing Education

During each Rotary weekly meeting, there is a program designed to keep one informed about what is going on in the community, nation, and world. Each meeting provides opportunity to listen to different speakers and a variety of timely topics.