NEXT MEETING: July 29, 2016

Generating Solutions to Ensure West Contra Costa Students Thrive

Natalie picEducator and Richmond native Natalie Walchuk will discuss how GO Public Schools strives to give every child in West Contra Costa a quality education and prepare them for work in the twenty-first century. The organization supports a coalition of students, families, educators, and community allies united around generating solutions to ensure that every West Contra Costa student thrives. Together this coalition works to develop community leadership, enact practice and policy shifts, and ultimately improve student learning outcomes.



In Josh Surowitz’s absence, Alan Blavins presided. He called the meeting to order and asked Henry Moe to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Alan then asked for a moment of silence for world peace. Sid had a thought for the day from Charles de Gaulle, “I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to politicians.”

Visiting Rotarians and Guests

Sid brought Joe Kelman, a regular and welcome guest.


  • Alan Baer reminded everyone about the A’s game on Saturday, July 23rd. There will be fireworks after the game and a tailgate party before. The game starts at 6:00 p.m.
  • David Brown shared that Mark Howe and Shana Bagley are approaching Hawaii with an extraordinarily fast time in the Pacific Cup race.


Happy and Sad Dollars

Norm’s Nonsense


The Cruelest Crime - Acid Attacks

Our speaker was Joe Doser, an Environmental Health Specialist. He addressed the problem of acid attacks, a phenomenon he described as an extreme form of domestic violence. Worldwide there are about 1,500 such attacks a year, though the reporting and recordkeeping likely underestimate the problem. Most such attacks occur in poor countries (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Uganda are the most common). The victims are primarily women, and the face is the target. The attacks are disfiguring. They often cause blindness, and they are frequently fatal. Because such attacks take place in extremely poor areas, victims rarely have access to swift medical care.

Doser pointed out that there are several international organizations dedicated to serving the victims of acid attacks. He asked Rotarians to visit the websites and share information about the subject. He alo announced his willingness to speak to any group, large or small, on the topic. He provided a handout that included the following resources: Acid Survivors Trust International ( and Center for Rehabilitation of Survivors of Acid and Burns Violence ( There is also a link to an organization that is helping the child acid victim whose photo moved him to this work (

- David Cole, Scribe of the Day

NEXT MEETING: July 22, 2016

The Cruelest Crime - Acid Attacks

Each year more than 1500 people are victims of acid attacks. These attacks tend to occur in certain Third World countries, though it is not unheard of elsewhere. Joe Doser, Environmental Health Specialist for Contra Costa County, will discuss how he first came to learn about this issue, why he got involved, and what certain organizations and governments are doing to help the victims and hopefully end these terrible crimes. While this is understandably a very difficult subject to hear about, he hopes people find the information he will share worthwhile.

MEETING OF July 15, 2016


Pres Josh Surowitz presided over the meeting. Erle Brown kicked off the pledge, and Herb Cole offered the invocation. Sid’s thought for the day: “Once you lick the frosting off a cupcake, it becomes a muffin—and muffins are healthy!!”

Visiting Rotarians and Guests

Stephanie Baer and James Baer, daughter and son of Alan Baer joined us on this day. Mara Lockowandt and Charlene Smith were guests of Stacey Street.


  • Hank Covell had successful minor surgery and is on the way to recovery.
  • On July 23 join other Rotarians for a Day at the A’s game. Tailgate before the game. Contact Alan Baer for tickets
  • Mark Howe, Shana Bagley and a crew of 6 embarked on a sailing adventure to the island of Oahu on Adrenalin (that the name of the boat, not necessarily their metabolic state). Follow them at Race Tracker (3 hour delay), or the boat blogs here and here.



Happy and Sad Dollars

Norm’s Nonsense


Yesterday's Instruments Today

Lisa Grodin, the Director of Education for Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, and the Music Director for the Junior Bach Festival, presented spirited renditions of violin music by Corelli, Bach, and others Baroque composers on an instrument of the times. Lisa explained that early music shares with American jazz the notion that the music would not be played strictly as written, but rather improvised and ornamented by individual performers. She demonstrated that different bows were more suited for particular styles, some rendering a silky sound, others snappier and crisp. Lisa gave us a full picture of professional musicianship that encompasses education, scholarship, and performance.

- Henry Moe, Rotating Editor

NEXT MEETING: July 15, 2016
Note: We're meeting at Café Soleil

Yesterday's Instruments Today (...well, Friday)

You’re invited to a hands-on lecture demonstration of historic instruments like those played in Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra and other period instrument ensembles. Early music enthusiast, violinist and violist, and Philharmonia Director of Education Lisa Grodin will explain how the instruments, the orchestra, and musical styles have evolved, and why they remain relevant to today’s composers and audiences. She will perform short musical examples to demonstrate the instruments’ capabilities, and pass around historic instruments for the audience to experience, up close and personal. There will be ample time for questions and answers.



Our new prez Josh Surowitz presided. Dan Tanita led the Pledge of Allegiance and Herb Cole invoked a moment of silence for peace and freedom. Sid Chauvin offered the thought for the day: For the rich, there is therarpy. For the rest of us, there is chocolate! Josh extended a special welcome to new board members Ric Ambrose, Shana Bagley Howe, and Gonzalo Ochoa.

Visiting Rotarians and Guests

  • Sid Chauvin introduced his wife, Zelpha Chauvin, and grandchildren Zachary Johnson and Gabriela Johnson.
  • Alan Baer was accompanied by his guest, John Hermanson of the El Sobrante Rotary.


  • NOTE: Next week’s meeting, July 15th, will be held at Café Soleil, 3550 San Pablo Ave, in El Sobrante (Directions)
  • David Brown made it clear that he was on hand and more than willing to collect dues.
  • Alan Baer reminded everyone about the A’s game on July 23rd. There will be fireworks after the game and a tailgate party in the parking lot before.
  • Connie Tritt announced that this is a new year for Foundation donations and is looking for the participation of all members.David Brown made it clear that he was on hand and more than willing to collect dues.
  • Alan Baer reminded everyone about the A’s game on July 23rd. There will be fireworks after the game and a tailgate party in the parking lot before.
    Connie Tritt announced that this is a new year for Foundation donations and is looking for the participation of all members.


Happy and Sad Dollars

Norm’s Nonsense


In lieu of our usual inspiring program, we celebrated the demotion of Alan Blavins as club president. The whole affair had a rather fishy atmosphere. The event was kicked off by Alan presenting a bottle of Crown Royal whiskey to each of the directors and officers present.
This was followed by a lovely song with humorous lyrics directed at Alan and performed by Stacey Street with James Lee accompanying on guitar. Don Lau then narrated highlights from Alan’s life, illustrated by a slide show he created. Alan-Stacey-singsAlan and his twin sister were born during the Blitz, and it was evident from the baby pictures that the expression Alan wears today was already apparent in infancy. Don presented compelling photographic evidence of Alan’s love of foreign adventure, sexy women, and challenging fish (did we get that right?).

Finally, we were introduced to some of Alan’s remarkable business accomplishments (missing out on the $240 million payday when Skyy vodka was sold) while still managing to reel in a remarkable variety of giant fish. In all seriousness, the entire membership thanked Alan for his service and the meeting was called to a close by Josh.

David Cole, Rotating Editor

NEXT MEETING: July 8, 2015. No meeting next Friday.

Eject the Englishman on July 8th

alan-blavins-catfish-300Come one, come all! It’s time to throw out the Englishman!!  Come see the premiere of “The Alan Blavins Story: Fact or Fish Tale?”   The Demotion of Alan Blavins also ushers in the reign of our next president, Josh Surowitz.



Prez Alan Blavins (for the last time) rang the bell and welcomed all to the Happiest Rotary Club in Richmond. Nick Despota led us in the Pledge with Alan offering a moment for Peace and Good Will to all. Sid Chauvin offered “Old Age is coming at a really bad time!”


  • We are not meeting on July 1st. Come celebrate American Independence the following week, as we restore American rule to the Richmond Rotary (see above).
  • Alan Baer reminded all about the A’s game on 7/23. Let him know if you would like to attend.
  • Hercules Rotary invites all to participate in their 4th of July Celebration. You can volunteer to assist or just come out and have a good time.
  • Henry Moe thanked the Club for sponsoring 2 students to attend Camp Royal. Henry also wanted everyone to know that the Bay Area InterAct Clubs are working together to provide items for the Homeless in Berkeley. Donations can be made to Henry or sent to David Brown with a note that the funds go to the homeless project.
  • On July 15th we will not meet at the Richmond County Club so stay tuned for the knife and fork venue for that date. It’s your call, incoming prez Josh Surowitz


Happy and Sad Dollars

Norm’s Nonsense


Stacey Street introduced our speaker Jasmine Tarkoff the co-convener of the Multi-Faith ACTION Coalition which is working together to address the root causes of poverty through public policy change and advocacy. Jasmine is also Executive Vice President of Temple Isaiah in Lafayette. The work of the MFAC is through its committees: Housing/Shelter; Food Security; Jobs and Economic Security; Education and Health. They are working on issues like minimum wage, health care for the undocumented, low cost housing shortage, and housing for veterans and those with housing subsidies. To address these issues they are working on the following initiatives: Asking landlords to make 1 unit or 1% of their units available for veterans or folks with subsidies; establish a Housing Security Fund; Junior Assessing Dwelling Units; spreading the word about the issue (132,000 people in Contra Costa County live below the poverty level); and by bringing on more people to work on the issue. I believe at the end of the meeting Jasmine and Jerry Feagley were planning on meeting to see what could be done in Richmond.

If you like to learn more about the work of the Multi-Faith Action Coalition and how to contact the organization, please download its brochure.

- The Menehune “Rotating Editor”

NEXT MEETING: June 24, 2016

The Contra Costa Housing Crisis – Challenges and Solutions

Jasmine Tarkoff Ruach Byline HeadshotJasmine Tarkoff is the co-convener of the Multi-faith ACTION Coalition, a group of Contra Costa County residents working together to address the root causes of poverty through advocacy and public policy change. Jasmine also serves as the Executive Vice President of Temple Isaiah in Lafayette overseeing their social action and community organizing initiatives.

Jasmine will offer her insights about the housing crisis in Contra Costa County and engage us in a discussion about what we can do together to address it.

MEETING OF June 17, 2016


President Alan Blavins called the meeting to order, asked a club member from the back of the room to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and asked Alan Baer to lead us in a silent prayer for peace. Sergeant-at-Arms Sid Chauvin offered the quote of the day: “Sometimes, I drink a glass of water to surprise my liver!” (Let the record reflect that immediately after, your Scribe promptly delivered a glass of water to Sid. Surprise!!)


  • Alan Baer reminded us to sign up for and attend the family-friendly July 23 A’s baseball game and tailgate party. Contact Alan for more details.
  • Pam Jones is looking forward to see those who signed up for the annual bocce ball tournament on June 18 in Martinez.
  • Ric Ambrose announced the following: Jan Brown will celebrate her 50th+ birthday on June 18 and Gonzalo Ochoa celebrates his 3rd year as a member of our happy club. Yippeeeee!
  • David Brown shared a nice thank you letter from the Rotoplast project.
  • David also reminded us to pay our Rotary dues!
  • Shana Bagley Howe announced that today there will be a dedication of the Richmond Law Library to David Del Simone.
  • President Alan Blavins is just finishing a portrait for the Young family.


Happy and Sad Dollars

Norm’s Nonsense


Fostering Love of Learning through Reading and Storytelling

President Alan Blavins introduced the lovely Ruth Major, the executive director of Read-Aloud Volunteer Program. The Program is a relationship-based program that fosters in children the joy and love of learning through reading and story-telling.

Literacy is a key skill that impacts a child’s school readiness and later academic success. One-on-one interactions over time provide children and adults with meaningful relationships. This relationship supports the child’s developing skills, allowing the child to read at their own pace without classroom and peer pressures. It gives them time to be curious, to experiment, to explore what is read.

The volunteers run the program at the following local elementary schools: Coronado, Dover, Downer, Montalvin Manor, and Washington. The more volunteers they have, the more children they can reach. Currently, they are reading to about 350 students a year. Each student receives books to take home and share with family and friends.

For more info, visit (website), or (email), or call 510-237-0735.

To make a donation, go to

To apply to be a volunteer:

And for several links to great reading resources (and bi-lingual books!) visit:

- Shana Bagley Howe, tu Escribita
(“A book is a gift that you can open over and over.” – Garrison Keilor)