January 27, 2017
NEXT MEETING: January 27, 2017
Cutting Carbon Pollution through Fee and Dividend
Now with nearly 70% of Americans saying they believe that humans are responsible for a warming planet, the conversation is shifting away from the question of whether climate change is real, to the question of what we can do about it.
The Citizen’s Climate Lobby is a national organization with an answer. CCL is building the political will to put a price on carbon and lobbying Congress to support the market-based solution called Fee and Dividend.
The two key ideas of Fee and Dividend are, first, that it would incentivize development and purchase of more efficient products; and second, that it is revenue neutral and so more likely to win support across the political spectrum.
A member of the Alameda Chapter of the CCL, Dr. Ted Obbard, will tell us how the Fee and Dividend system can dramatically drive down greenhouse gas emissions while growing the economy, improve health, and avert the most extreme effects of climate change.
- The Rotary District 5160 Conference takes place in Berkeley, from Friday through Sunday, March 24 – 27. This year’s conference is in our own backyard so the 8 local clubs (acronym: BARSHEEP; ask someone if you don’t know) need a strong showing at the conference. The cost is $125.00 for the weekend. Sign up soon.
- Crab Feed is a week away and we have about 100 people signed-up. To hit our goal of 150 we need our members to bring their friends and enjoy of evening of good food and good times. Tickets are $50 and you can order them online or send a check to David Brown and also email Henry Moe at moeser70@gmail.com so he can get a good count for the crab order.
- President Josh Surowitz gets two gold starts for planning ahead. Way ahead. Gold star #1: The Annual Holiday Auction will take place on December 1 of this year. Get out your calendars (or more likely, pull them up on your computer or phone), and save the date.
- And Gold Star #2: The Annual Christmas Party happens on December 8, 2017.
President Josh led the meeting. Josh Genser lead us in the pledge and Herb Cole asked for a moment of silence. Sid was not here so we were left Thoughtless for the Day.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Jordan Lau, the son of the Great and Mighty Don Lau, attended the meeting.
Special Events
Connie Tritt presented Jordan Lau a Paul Harris from his father Don Lau. The young man was genuinely surprised.
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
- David Brown had a birthday on Saturday January 21
- Pres Josh celebrated 9 years with the club on January 19, 2017
- Nick Despota had Happy Dollars that yours truly, Henry Moe, stepped up to do the notes for today. Nick has a couple more happy bucks for his trip to Berlin, where he visited his granddaughter during the holidays.
- Don Lau had Happy Dollars for his son Jordan getting a Paul Harris and that next week he will be in Disneyland with his 5-year old grandson
- Rafael Madrigal had sad dollars because he is leaving Richmond Rotary to take his dream job in Missouri. The overall reaction: Missouri??????? We will all miss Rafael and wish him well in his new digs.
- Pres Josh had Happy Dollars for the peaceful transition of power that our country has undergone. The success of our current president, Josh declared, is equivalent to the success of our country so we hope he does well.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in the East Ba
Our speaker on this day was Martin Bond, Executive Director of Community Energy Services Corporation (CESC). Martin described the horizon for energy efficiency and renewable energy in the East Bay. CESC provides services to low income homeowners, with the aim of helping them save money through energy conservation, efficiency and renewable energy systems.
Martin played a version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire with our Richmond Rotary members. After shooting down 2 or 3 contestants, Oscar came up with the first right answer to questions about home solar systems, appliance efficiency, electric cars and so on. Pres Josh also managed to divine a correct answer to one of the questions.
Martin stressed the price of residential solar energy systems has been plummeting. Right now purchasing is a better option then leasing, since the price of these systems will continue to drop.
- Henry Moe, Scribe-in-a-pinch