April 19, 2019
NEXT MEETING: April 19, 2019
Rotary’s International Service Opportunities
Steve Kirby, of the Rotary Club of Hercules, attended the Columbia Project Fair to entice Rotarians to get involved in Rotary International’s global community. Here’s your chance to have your questions answered about International Service opportunities.
- Jerry Feagley made a number of announcements. He reminded everyone that Sunday, April 13th, is the Richmond Art Center’s “Party Richmond” fundraiser (5:30-9:00 pm).
- El Cerrito Rotary is celebrating its 70th year as a Rotary Club. They have invited us to join them on Thursday, May 2nd, for a luncheon in celebration around 11:30 or 12:00 at the Berkeley (formerly Mira Vista) County Club
- Salesian Golf Tournament is coming up April 29th at Richmond Country Club. They are looking for players and tee sponsors.
- San Pablo Rotary’s “Night in Tuscany” event April 26th at San Pablo Maple Hall. Cost is $45.
MEETING OF April 12, 2019
At 12:30 pm, President Jerry Feagley opened the meeting. Pam Jones led us in the Pledge this week. Herb Cole did the invocation for peace, freedom and justice on earth. As Sid was absent, there was no thought for the day. We missed you, Sid.
Josh Genser brought up last Saturday’s work project at Harbour-8 Park where they made protective barriers around the oak trees. Thanks to all those who participated: Josh, Jerry, Tamara, Felix, Darlene D., Norm, Jan and Byron. Great pics on the Rotary site. And to those who did not attend……raspberries to you!! =)
Jerry informed us that Henry Moe asked if the Club would be willing to assist the Salesian Interact President to attend the Reno Convention in May. The cost would be $547.00 to cover the conference fees, room, etc. Many Rotarians offered donations sufficient to cover it, or very close. We thank all who volunteered to chip in for their generosity.
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
We had no weddings or anniversaries to recognize on this day. We did have Happy and Sad Dollars to dispense.
- Jim Findley had happy dollars for Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin being the first person to orbit the earth on April 12, 1961. Jim had sad dollars that The Civil War started on this date in 1861 at Fort Sumter, NC.
- Norm Lundberg had happy dollars for the park project. He loved working with everyone from Richmond on the tree preservation project.
- Tamara Shiloh – Had fun at the park project. Jerry really helped us to win —Pogo Park Team vs. Richmond Rotary Team!
- Tamara also had happy dollars that the Teen Mom Project is seeing less number of teen moms in the last few years.
Darlene Drapkin introduced our speaker, Amanda Elliott, Executive Director of Richmond Main Street Initiative. The organization is dedicated to commercial revitalization of the Downtown Richmond area and to improve the image of the Downtown area. It is part of National Main Streets throughout the nation.
In 2012, business improvement district was started. They get funding from the commercial businesses in the area. Most of the funding goes towards cleaning and maintenance.
In 2009, streetscaping was provided on Harbour Way and Macdonald Avenue. In 2010, streetscaping was also provided on Nevin Avenue.
Training and Workshops to potential business owners, such as “Finance Your Business” being offered April 24th, 6:00-8:00 pm.
Lots of free Community Events – June thru September outdoor events include:
- Healthy Village Festival – June 29 (10 am – 2 pm)
- Music on the Main Concerts – July 24 & August 28 (5 pm – 7:30 pm)
- Chill with a Cop – August 17 (11 am – 1 pm)
- Spirit & Soul Festival – September 21 (1 p – 5 pm)
There was $16 million in private and public investment in the downtown area last year.
Richmond Main Street is now located in the Downtown Richmond Visitor Center.
There is currently an RFP for a Richmond-themed store.
We have put art in some of the vacant downtown storefront windows.
Have worked with the youth in the area – 39 kids participated in Youth Entrepreneur Day.
12th & Macdonald Project (2 blocks) – 256 unit of homes initially, with a total of 600 housing units and potential 60,000 sf in retail space.
Community is much more engaged. Taste of Richmond Event coming up, too — May 18th at Riggers Loft Wine Company (2 – 6 pm).
For more details, look up www.RichmondMainStreet.org.
- Rotating Scribe Darlene Quenville