April 26, 2019
NEXT MEETING: April 26, 2019
SparkPoint is a network of nonprofit partners that support members of the community through financial education and coaching to achieve and sustain prosperity. Meghan Cadmus, Site Coordinator at the Contra Costa West office, will tell us about the people who SparkPoint Contra Costa serves, how the program works, and how you can register or refer others for the services.
- President Jerry Feagley advised that Feagley Realtors is having a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Monday, April 29th, 5p-7p at 2284 San Pablo Ave, Pinole, (above Antler’s Tavern)
- El Cerrito Rotary is celebrating its 70th year as a Rotary Club. They have invited us to join them on Thursday, May 2nd, for a luncheon in celebration around 11:30 or 12:00 at the Berkeley (formerly Mira Vista) County Club
- San Pablo Rotary’s “Night in Tuscany” event April 26th at San Pablo Maple Hall. Cost is $45. Details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/747176138811707/
- “Taste of the World”, sponsored by Hercules Rotary Club, May 11th, 5p-8p, Hercules Library $15 per person
- Salesian Golf Tournament is coming up April 29th at Richmond Country Club.
- San Francisco German Band Annual Concert, May 18th, St Mark’s Lutheran Church, 1111 O’Farrell St, San Francisco, 2:00 p.m.
- Hercules Rotary Day at the A’s Game, July 13th, all are welcomed to join. Contact Hercules Rotary for more details.
- Pam Jones is looking for team members for the bacce ball game at Martinez Golf Course, Saturday May 11th.
MEETING OF April 19, 2019
At 12:30 pm, President Jerry Feagley opened the meeting and welcomed members and their guests. Pam Jones led us in the Pledge this week. Herb Cole did the invocation for peace, freedom and justice on earth. No thought for the day – Sid was absent.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Visiting our club was Steve Kirby, of the Hercules Rodeo Club. Steve was also our speaker
Bob Dabney brought his daughter was as a guest. We apologize for not recording her name.
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
- Ric Ambrose was happy that he’s been a Rotarian for four years.
- Bob Dabney advised us of his tree issue.
- Josh Surowitz was happy about his trip with his family to Santa Barbara and Tijuana.
- Erle was happy about the time spent time Herb Cole and his new car.
- Herb was happy about his birthday, which he shares with Adolf Hitler (not his fault), and his new car.
- Mark Howe happy it was a sunny day.
- Don Lau said that Dan Tanita had another heart attack and is in hospital in San Francisco.
Rotary International Projects
Steve Kirby presented an excellent slide show about his trip to Columbia. There he visited various school projects, where, with Rotary assistance, the schools have been provided needed supplies and materials. The people were very hospitable, and the accommodations, the food and the drink were all very good. There trip schedule allowed plenty of time for parties and tours. Steve talked about issues with the Internet and cell phone, the result of the fact there are no IT people to keep the technology up and running. He said there about seven Rotary clubs in Colombia.
Steve told us about the upcoming visit from Shimada, Japan representatives. Shimada is the sister city of Richmond. The visit was a result of a meeting and agreement between the mayor of Shimada and Richmond back in the 70’s. He suggested that we apply for a national grant and send a group of representatives from BARSHEEP to Shimada in October for about a week or two. He said the grant covers hotel, airfare, and registration. Information about applying for the grant may be available now.
Steve urged us to get more involved in Rotary International and visit some of the other countries needing assistance. He recommended BARSHEEP also send representatives to assist with the coming projects in Kenya and Colombia again.
Tamara Shiloh, “Rotating Scribe”