April 20, 2018
NEXT MEETING: April 20, 2018
A New Era in Police Oversight
The Office of Professional Accountability (OPA) was established in 2016 as an independent office within the Richmond Police Department (RPD) that is committed to ensuring that employees provide the best service, individually and collectively, to the public. As part of the commitment to provide trusted, fair, and a neutral accountability system, a civilian Manager was hired to oversee all functions of OPA including police internal investigations. This model of oversight is rare in the U.S. because it places a civilian in the role to make independent and trusted findings to the Chief of Police as a result of internal investigations completed by police Sergeants.
Eddie J. Aubrey, Manager of the OPA, is a civilian hired in March 2016. He oversees the intake, classification, and investigation of complaints against Police department personnel or police services; certifies investigative findings; and makes recommendations on investigatory disposition to the Police Chief. The Manager ensures that professional Police Officers and other Police employees perform assigned duties in a sound and sustainable manner; maintain accountability for their actions and the actions of their peers; and are held accountable for any deficiencies in professional activities or adherence to their professional code of ethics, and City or departmental polices and rules.
- President Connie Tritt reminded members about upcoming events:
- Albany Rotary is holding a Bayou Boogie Featuring New Orleans Blues, Zydeco, R&B,
Mardi Gras & Swing music by I*KO YA YA on Saturday, 4/21, from 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm at the Albany YMCA. - The 10th Annual Rotary District 5160 Bocce Challenge will be held on Saturday May 19th in Martinez.
- The Rotavision Bow-A-Thon Tournament is happening May 12th. Jon Lawlis noted that he, Darlene Quenville, Pam and Neville Guard would be representing Richmond Rotary in the tournament, and they need to collect pledges for the team. Each team is expected to raise at least $1000, and members can give cash donations or do pin pledges.
MEETING OF April 13, 2018
President Connie called the meeting to order and asked Don Lau to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Herb Cole asked for a moment of silence for peace, freedom and justice on Earth.
Sid Chauvin’s thought for the day: There are a number of mechanical devices that increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 500 SL Roadster.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Herb Cole introduced his guest Phil McAdams, who came specifically to ask Tom Butt to come speak at his Sons in Retirement Club.
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
- Herb Cole celebrated his 80th birthday in Limerick, Ireland with his two sons and had a fabulous time (though he didn’t remember any limericks). He noted his foundation gift would be a little smaller this year since in addition to the Ireland trip he has several other major family occasions to travel for in the coming months.
- Jerry Feagley was happy to be sitting at a table with two other native Pennsylvanians (Jerry is from Pittsburgh, PA).
- Sid Chauvin had sad dollars because Leonard Stefanelli passed away. Leonard was a friend to many in the club.
Point Molate Update
Since the scheduled speakers, Kevin and Barbara Brown from R&B Cellars, were closing on selling their house and missed attending (we will reschedule them for the summer or fall), Mayor Tom Butt filled in as speaker and kicked it off with five happy dollars for the City of Richmond reaching agreement on the settlement for Point Molate. Tom provided excellent history on the background of Point Molate, starting with the 1995 closure as a fuel depot by the Navy and followed by the City of Richmond adopting a reuse agreement to meet the Navy’s requirements. In 1997 the turnover started, and the City had full title by 2003. Several City Council members pushed for the site becoming a “destination resort” with a casino, an offer of $50 million with other fees built in, while Chevron offered to buy the site from the City for $80 million. Upstream was contracted after a split vote, and it got political in 2007, with the City Council ultimately voting to turn down the contract in 2011. A 5-year lawsuit ensued, ending in the settlement just agreed upon. It was close to the 1997 reuse plan: 70% will be retained as open space (Bay Trail, shoreline park), with 30% allocated to development, plus the historic buildings will be preserved. The City has two years to update the general plan and zoning, and it will have a minimum of 670 residential dwelling units. The Mayor is happy since it seems like an economically viable plan.
Stacey Street, Rotating Editor