August 21, 2015
NEXT MEETING: August 21, 2015
World War II in the Philippines
Cecilia I. Gaerlan, Executive Director of Bataan Legacy Historical Society, will speak about the organization and the role of Filipinos during World War II in the Philippines. Bataan Legacy Historical Society’s main goal is to educate the public on the historical significance of the Battle of Bataan and World War II in the Philippines by presenting the war from different perspectives (Filipino, American, soldiers and civilians) through its multimedia presentations, exhibitions, conferences and lectures in schools and different organizations throughout the country. It also documents the stories of survivors and veterans of WWII in the Philippines. Cecilia was inspired by her father, Luis Gaerlan, Jr. a Filipino veteran (41st Infantry Regiment) of WWII and a survivor of the Bataan Death March. They have produced a documentary, and the trailer can be viewed here.
- August 22, 2015 – Rotary Northern Seminar in Vallejo. Coffee served at 8:30am, check-in at 9:00am, sessions until 1:30pm. To be held at Solano Community College Satellite, 545 Columbus Parkway, Vallejo 94591.
- October 3, 2015 – Six Flags Rotary Day. $40 includes admission to the Park and eat with Rotary. If you have a season pass, you can pay $20 and eat with Rotary.
- November 21, 2015 – Alan Baer announced that “Day at The Races” tickets (Golden Gate Field) are $40 and the only way to reserve a spot is to pay for it.
MEETING OF August 14, 2015
The One and Only President Alan Blavins opened up the meeting with a joke. Sid’s thought for the day was that wives with missing husbands should post their pictures on beer cans.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Neha Venkatesh and her mother and father were guests of Henry Moe. Neha is a Junior at Salesian and a member of the Interact Club. She started her own foundation called Scholarships without Borders. She supplies shoes to students in countries around the world and she attended Rotary to speak about her foundation. This summer she took a trip to Spain to witness things she had purchased being handed out to students. Erle Brown offered a pledge to her foundation and will pay it off during the Rotary Crab Feed. Dan Tanita also gave her a donation as well as our speaker Ron Hilley.
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
- Ric Ambrose announced that Joan Davis has been a Richmond Rotarian for 5 years.
- Dan Sanders celebrated his birthday on Aug 17 and had a check for the Carl Reyfus fund.
- Bob Dabney and his wife Cheryl celebrated their 23rd Wedding Anniversary.
- Ric Ambrose celebrated his 38th Wedding Anniversary.
- Past President Stoney loves August. He celebrates his 21st Anniversary of being in the club, Wedding Anniversary on Aug 15, and birthday on Aug 28th. He said a check is coming.
- Don Lau had a Happy Dollar that Ric is doing Recognitions.
- Joe Bagley also had a happy dollar that Ric is doing Recognitions.
- Jan Brown had a sad dollar that her school friend past away from lung cancer. She had happy dollars that her mom and mother in-law are both doing well.
- Herb Cole had happy dollars that he played golf for the 1st time since 1995 and sad dollars that he is still in pain from it.
- Jim Young had happy dollars that his son is starting a new job.
- Paul Allen had happy dollars about his trip to England.
- Ric Ambrose had sad dollars that the late Lynn Martin would have celebrated her birthday on Aug 22.
The FBI and Polygraph Examinations: Q&A with Ron Hilley
Jim Young introduced Ron Hilley, a retired FBI Agent and Polygraph Examiner and Interviewer.
Ron spoke about his time with the FBI and about his current job as a consultant for Polygraph tests. He said when he is hired he first studies the background of the person he will be performing the polygraph on then he sits and talks with the person for a few hours before he even starts the polygraph. He spoke of the importance of building a rapport with the person, trying to gain trust. His stories were engaging and every Rotarian seemed very interested in his talk.
Henry Moe, Rotating Scribe