February 19, 2016
NEXT MEETING: February 19, 2016
The Bay Area's Future Earthquakes
The San Francisco Bay Region has the highest density of active faults per square mile of any urban center in the United States. Recent studies have estimated a 72% chance of a magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquake on one of the Region’s major faults between 2014-2043. The Hayward fault, which passes through heavily urbanized Alameda and Contra Costa counties, is of the highest concern. Its most recent earthquake was a magnitude ~6.8 in 1868 and the estimate for the repeat of this is 150-160 years. Dr Schwartz will talk about of the all of the earthquake sources that could affect the Richmond area and what you need to do to prepare.
- Henry Moe thanked everyone who helped with planning and execution of the Crab Feed, since it was a tremendous success! He thanked Joe Bagley, Shana Bagley Howe, Herb Cole, Alan Baer and unnamed others for all they did. The event netted over $4,000, plus Interact students worked for tips for the Club and they raised $785! Thanks to everyone who attended and purchased tickets. David Brown added that the ten guests who sat at the table he purchased told him they had a spectacular time. Kudos to Henry and the planning team!
- Alan Baer announced the District Conference would take place Friday April 1 through Sunday April 3 at the Yolo County Fairgrounds and encouraged everyone to attend.
MEETING OF February 12, 2016
President Alan Blavins called the meeting to order and asked Henry Moe to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Sid Chauvin’s thought for the day: Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other. President Alan called for a moment of silence for fallen Richmond Police Officer Davis.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
It was a full house, with many prospective members!
- Mac Lingo from Berkeley Rotary introduced himself.
- Josh Genser had three guests from The Light Digital: Paul Benton, from Snowmass Village, Colorado, Jason Hanson, a former speaker and Andy Santamaria.
- Josh G. also introduced Jeff Wright, of Wright Realty, who hopes to join the Club!
- Menbere Aklilu introduced Polly Walton from Sausalito, a dear friend and supporter of her Menbe’s Way Fund who is also interested in joining the Richmond Rotary Club.
- Jerry Feagley introduced J.R. Griffith, another prospective member!
- Since Tiffany Straus had lost her voice, Nick Despota introduced her guest, Carol Frank, Associate Director for the Early Childhood Mental Health Program.
Special Events
President Alan was thrilled to have not one, but TWO member inductions to perform! Both Felix Oseguera, whom Alan sponsored himself, and Simon Ellis. After Alan explained the requirements, which they accepted, and they were officially welcomed into the Club as new members, President Alan noted that it has been an incredible year for membership, solely due to his own efforts, of course….
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
- Ric Ambrose noted there weren’t any birthdays or anniversaries to recognize, and explained what that means (donations!) for the benefit of new members and guests. He opened up the floor for Happy and Sad dollars, encouraging more happy dollars, since Valentine’s Day was coming up…..
- Jonothan Lawlis was happy because he will be going to Mexico with a great group of Rotarians to give out wheelchairs, so unfortunately will have to miss the District Conference.
- Henry Moe had happy dollars for his eighth grade son, who was inducted into the National Honor Society!
- Shana Bagley Howe was happy to deliver the GORGEOUS drawing that Alan Blavins did of her family to her parents and they absolutely loved it! She encouraged everyone to bid on this item in the future, if Alan is kind enough to offer it at the Holiday Auction again next year….
- Tiffany Straus had five happy dollars since Carol Frank agreed to fill in for her as speaker today, due to her laryngitis.
- Herb Cole was thrilled that Henry had pulled off a “hell of a deal” with the Crab Feed this year. He also acknowledged Joe Bagley who was probably still recovering after working so hard in the kitchen! He was also happy to be going to Mexico with 8 Richmond Rotarians, 25% of the total group!
- Alan Baer was also happy about the success of the Crab Feed (Herb said almost everything he wanted to say!).
- Henry added (without additional $$) that one of the Senior Interact members had such a great time helping at the Crab Feed, he plans to come back next year to work with Joe in the kitchen!
- Mac Lingo had happy dollars to encourage everyone to read the New York Times online since his daughter was just promoted to OpEd editor at the New York Times.
- New member Felix Oseguera had $20: $19 because he is excited to join Rotary, and $1 to recognize Officer Davis, since he appreciates that he dedicated his life to the City of Richmond.
- Menbe was happy to announce that she was holding some events at Salute to help raise funds to fight drought and hunger in Africa. On Wednesday February 17th she is hosting the first fundraiser to support Ethiopia and in particular her hometown. She encouraged everyone to attend.
Your Scribe introduced Richmond Rotarian Tiffany Straus, who in turn introduced Carol Frank, since, as mentioned before, she had severe laryngitis and didn’t want everyone to have to listen to her croak through her program. Carol gave an overview of the Early Childhood Mental Health Program and its programs, and shared many heart-wrenching, yet inspiring stories of impact with the group. She started with a very compelling statement – that the best way to help many troubled individuals is when they are in the high chair, not in the electric chair!
The ECMHP serves children aged 0 to 6 as well as their families, children who are victims of abuse and neglect and now suffer from PTSD. The whole family has access to services, many of which are tailored to the needs of the children and the caregivers, such as the specialized therapy needed by a young child who witnessed his father murder his mother, as well as the special support his maternal grandmother required. Children participate in the Comprehensive Nursery Program, families and children receive therapy from licensed professionals, parents are connected to support groups and services, and child care options are provided.
ECMHP serves upwards of 500 families per year, often helping 40 families per day, and currently has an extensive waitlist. The organization is funded primarily through medical contracts, as well as through the annual fund (thanks to Richmond Rotary for continued support), and is currently developing a design for its recently-purchased new building, next to the Family Justice Center and Rotocare.
A PowerPoint presentation about ECMHP was prepared but not shown at this meeting. You can download it here.
- Stacey Street, Rotating Editor