February 23, 2018
NEXT MEETING: February 23, 2018
Rolling out the Bay Trail in Richmond!
Bruce Beyaert, Chair of TRAC, the Trails for Richmond Action Committee, will tell us about the tremendous progress that’s been made in recent years completing a 500-mile walking and cycling path encircling San Francisco and San Pablo Bays.
Richmond now has 34 miles of Bay Trail in place, representing almost 10% of the 350 miles completed of the 500-mile path. Despite having more Bay Trail completed than any other city in the nine-county Bay Area, 8.5 miles of gaps remain. Nine projects now underway promise to complete more than five miles of new Bay Trail in Richmond by the end of 2018, as well as 4.3 miles across the Richmond/San Rafael (RSR) Bridge. Advances made during the first half of 2017 include: 1.9 miles of trail built, 1.7 miles under construction, 2.5 miles being designed, $976,000 grant awarded for construction.
To download a high-resolution version of the map on the right, visit http://www.pointrichmond.com/baytrail/
The Second Annual RotaCare Bowl-A-Thon, will take place Saturday, May 12, 2018, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Albany Bowl, 540 San Pablo Ave., Albany. All proceeds will benefit RotaCare (Richmond). Jon and Darlene are planning to attend, and hopefully Pam and Neville. Would love to see a couple of teams from Richmond Rotary supporting this great cause. We need Club Members to support our team with per-pin pledges and/or fixed-amount pledges. Aaron Gobler, of the Albany Rotary Club, is the main coordinator for this event. Aaron’s mobile phone number is 510-928-3662. Email Aaron@pagepoint.com .
President Connie Tritt welcomed the group. Henry Moe led the Pledge; Herb Cole led the invocation with a prayer for peace, freedom and justice on Earth. Sid Chauvin’s Thought for the Day…”If you think healthcare is expensive now, just wait until it’s free!!” (Just to set the record straight, nearly 3.4 million previously uninsured Californians now have health care coverage through Covered California. Think about that the next time you need to see a doctor. – N.D.)
Connie tested the Club’s knowledge of the Rotary Four-Way Test and we passed with flying colors.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Tamara Shiloh, the owner of Multi-Cultural Children’s Bookstore, a soon-to-be Richmond Rotarian, was the guest of Connie Tritt.
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
Oscar Garcia announced this week’s recognitions:
- Liliane Koziol celebrates her birthday tomorrow and is giving a check to the Foundation. Her family is planning to surprise her with “something” tomorrow!
- Mark Howe is celebrating his 16th Club Anniversary as of February 15th. Werner Schwartz was Mark’s sponsor. Donation made.
- Josh Genser shares the same 16th Club Anniversary as Mark, as of February 15th. He was brought into the Club by David Brown. He’ll send a check to the Foundation.
- Bob Dabney is celebrating his 14th Club Anniversary as of February 16th, and also made a donation.
Happy and Sad Dollars/h3>
- Henry Moe had happy dollars to be here with all his Rotary friends. He took three Salesian Interacters to a Conference recently — they had a great time. One of the Interacters is a very quiet girl, who plans to help out more next year in their Club.
- Herb Cole had happy dollars for Shana Bagley Howe’s special shoe project to help out Puerto Rico children. Loved the great pictures she recently shared showing the smiling happy kids. Each pair of shoes was tagged with a handwritten note by Shana…. “With love, Richmond Rotary”. Great job, Shana!!
- Shana Bagley Howe had both happy and sad dollars to be share with her great friends here at Rotary: she has a new job with Napa County Counsel, starting soon. That means she won’t be able to attend Rotary meetings until her probation period is over.
- Bob Dabney had sad dollars for the school shootings in Parkland, Florida. He hopes Congress doesn’t continue with their “it’s too soon” attitude toward gun control issues.
The Everyday Tragedy of Human Trafficking
Today’s speaker was Rodger Freeman, Anti-Trafficking and Outreach Specialist in the Sacramento office of the International Rescue Committee. The IRC, we learned, was established in l933. Albert Einstein was one of its original founders. It started in Europe and is now working in over 45 countries, including 25 offices in the U.S. Albert Einstein observed that ”Only a life for others is a life worthwhile.” Einstein also asserted that “our task must be to….widen our circle of compassion to embrace all.”
The IRC responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises, paving a path for victims that leads from harm to home. Rodger described two categories of this crime against humanity: labor and sex trafficking.
Labor trafficking entails recruitment, harboring, transportation, and/or obtaining a person for labor or services, through force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of involuntary servitude, debt bondage, or slavery.
Sex trafficking entails commercial sex acts induced by force, fraud or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform these acts is less than 18 years old.
The A-M-P model helps define sex trafficking. The acronym refers to:
Action: induce, Recruit, Harbor, Transport Provide, or Obtain
Means: through Force, Fraud or Coercion
Purpose: for the purpose of Commercial Sex or Labor Services
How do identify possible victims of human trafficking?
Rodger described cues and conditions that can help us identify victims of trafficking. Possible victims may act fearfully, be unable to speak on their own behalf, show evidence of being controlled (unable to contact family, no freedom of movement), and not in control of their identification documents or wages. They may also show signs of abuse or restraint, or work related injuries. They may live and work in same place, work excessive hours, and recount inconsistent stories.
How does the IRC help?
The International Rescue Committee assists victims with a range of comprehensive services, such as case management, safe housing, food and clothing, education and job readiness, immigration and legal assistance, including T-Visa applications, and services to provide for their physical and mental health.
What are countries of origin of victims of trafficking?
In the US, countries of origin for most of our human trafficking, involving 60% female and 40% male. Most victims come from Mexico and Central American countries. But victims are native to Micronesia, India, Spain, Cameroon & Guatemala. Perhaps most shocking to some, trafficking can include US born citizens as well. Alarmingly, California has the highest rate of human trafficking in the U.S., with 17% of the US total reported in our own state.
You can contact Rodger Freeman at Rodger.Freeman@Rescue.org.
You can also email the IRC Sacramento office at Trafficking@rescue.org. The phone is (916) 482-0120. The IRC also maintains a 24/7 Hotline: (916) 920-2952
National Hotline Number – (888) 373-7888 or call Local Law Enforcement
- Rotating Scribe Darlene Quenville