January 4, 2018
NEXT MEETING: January 4, 2018
Boasting about Bolivia
Alan Blavins will again share fish stories from his recent trip to Bolivia. We have no photos or other information about Alan’s presentation at this time. Based on Alan’s past performance, both on the river and at the podium, it should be good.
- Starting Friday, January 4th, our club meetings will resume its traditional starting time of 12:30 sharp and end at 1:30 sharp. Everyone is encouraged to arrive early to enjoy the fellowship that is at the heart of the Rotary experience.
- Erle Brown reminded us that the crab feed is coming soon. It is on Saturday, January 26th. The price is $50 per person and he is selling tables of 10 for $500.
- Alan Baer asked us to sign up for the bell ringing at Hilltop Mall to benefit the Salvation Army. He passed around the hat to collect donations in advance from those present.
MEETING OF December 21, 2018
President Jerry Feagley called the meeting to order and asked HENRY MOE to lead the pledge. Sid shared his thought for the day: “ Knowledge is knowing that the tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in fruit salad. “ Jerry reminded us that we will return to our old meeting hour from 12:30 to 1:30 starting with the first meeting of January – January 4th.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Simon Ellis introduced his son Matthew Piatt as our only guest of the day.
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
- Alan Baer reported on his plans for his birthday celebration on Christmas Day. He expected a low-key day at home since he would not be travelling to visit his father in Oregon (His father passed this year).
- Tom Butt had happy dollars in celebration of the last Council meeting of the year, and losing 2 council members.
- Stacey Street had happy dollars for the honor of singing the “National Anthem” at the National Cemetery in San Francisco. Her performance was arranged by Edgar DeLeon.
- Jerry had happy dollars that CNAD had landed safely.
A Club Conversation
Jerry gave the floor to Jan Brown, who led the meeting. She started with 2 thoughts:
- She was very proud to have been a part of the bike give-away process and encouraged us all to attend Saturday, December 22nd when they would give the bikes to the kids.
- Jan also asked us to assist with ideas for new venues and feedback on locations for our dark days at the Country Club.
Jan started her presentation by giving the group an overview of the current Board members and their positions as well as the upcoming year’s slate of Board members.
She came prepared with a brief PowerPoint presentation (here) updating us on the following:
- Committee members and assignments
- 2019 Activity Calendar
- An invitation to locate Walter.
Jan ended the presentation asking us this question: “Who will we invite to be Rotarians?” Tom Butt called for 100 new members by 2020!!!
Josh Genser then presented a request for our ideas for a signature project for our club for the 2020-2021 year. He gave us some ideas he had such as Pogo Park, (they want to build a new playground) The Arts Commission might help us donate a Sculpture. There is also YMCA, PAL, School District. He would like to get our ideas to him by late January when they expect to make a decision.
David Brown mentioned some of the plans in the making:
- Catered dinner at Richmond Civic Auditorium on Saturday, April 4, 2020. Save the date!
- Seeking sponsors such as Chevron, Mechanics Bank, Overaa Construction
- Historical review of last 100 years since 1920.
- Putting the Rotary logo on City flag poles for 1 week.
Sid suggested that we create a 1920/2020 logo for our flags that we hand out to visitors from other clubs and visits to other clubs.
Jerry asked us to please recall historical information and search for old photos we may have for display at our 100th anniversary event.
- Connie Tritt, Rotating Scribe