March 2, 2018
NEXT MEETING: March 2, 2018
Richmond Art Center: Past, Present and Future
Ric Ambrose, Executive Director of the Richmond Art Center is back to talk about the progress and community impact the Art Center has made over the past five years and its plans for the next five years.
For over 80 years the Richmond Art Center strives to be a unique place “where one can rekindle the youthful discovery of art making; where lifelong learning is the norm rather than a privilege, and where one finds an emerging environment to expand one’s horizon and have fun”.
Stacey Street has been the Program Chair for four years, arranging the weekly speakers Rotarians and guests that all of us enjoy hearing. She thanked Rotarians who’ve contributed ideas for speakers. But despite the valuable help from other members, sometimes she faces gaps in the speaker schedule. Therefore, she again encourages Rotarians to submit ideas to her for future speakers. Darlene Drapkin will be assisting Stacey to provide a well-rounded program throughout the year.
MEETING OF February 23, 2018
Sid Chauvin’s Thought for the Day…”There is not a right way to do a wrong thing”.
President Connie Treat presided over the meeting. She invoked attendees to call out the Rotary four way test:
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all concerned?
- Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Shana Bagley welcomed her friends Kimberly Paternoster and Pam DeWitt, who came to hear Bruce Bayaert’s report on the Bay Trail.
Tamara Shiloh, the owner of Multi-Cultural Children’s Bookstore, a soon-to-be Richmond Rotarian, was the guest of Connie Tritt.
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
Ric Ambrose announced this week’s recognitions realizing that many of those to be recognized were not in attendance. In a roundabout way we all discovered he was celebrating a birthday and should be recognized too! Happy Birthday, Ric!
Jerry Feagley is celebrating his 11th year Club Anniversary and will be making a donation
Darlene Drapkin offered a happy dollar for the previous week’s 23rd Alley beautification, which has created an amazing sense of pride and place in Richmond. But she also shared a sad dollar because the car of Mae Clark, volunteer extraordinaire, was broken into while she volunteered for a 23rd Street business. Several hundred dollars worth of irreplaceable tools were stolen. Darlene asked for donations for Mae.
Bruce Beyaert, Chair of TRAC, the Trails for Richmond Action Committee, shared the tremendous progress that’s been made in recent years completing a 500-mile walking and cycling path encircling San Francisco and San Pablo Bays.
Richmond has 34 miles of Bay Trail in place, representing almost 10% of the 350 miles completed of the 500-mile path. Richmond has the most waterfront miles of Contra Costa County. There are great sites along the trail, including Rosie the River Museum and Marina Bay. Despite having more Bay Trail completed than any other city in the nine-county Bay Area, 8.5 miles of gaps remain. Nine projects are underway with a promise to complete more than five miles of new Bay Trail in Richmond by the end of 2018, as well as 4.3 miles across the Richmond/San Rafael (RSR) Bridge. This one is controversial because it removes car lanes. Advances made during the first half of 2017 include: 1.9 miles of trail built, 1.7 miles under construction, 2.5 miles being designed, $976,000 grant awarded for construction. They continue to apply for more grants to add to the Bay Trail to hopefully complete by 2020. On the upcoming ballot, you’ll be able to vote on two measures that support the Bay Trails.
- Darlene Drapkin, “Rotating Editor”