November 1, 2013
The Flywheel
Archive issue
NEXT MEETING: November 1, 2013
The Rotary Peace Center Program
Past District Governor Bruce Campbell, current Vice-Chair of The Rotary Foundation Peace Centers Committee and past Host Area Coordinator for the Rotary Peace Center at UC Berkeley, will talk about Rotary’s Peace Center program, its history, where it is today and how you can be involved.
Mr. Campbell’s presentation coincides with a luncheon we will host on this day for the San Francisco diplomatic Consular Corps. We celebrate Rotary’s commitment to building international understanding and goodwill through its Peace Program. Members of the Consular Corps from each country will be recognized during the luncheon. Our president asks that you wear business attire.
Alan Baer remind members about the Rotary Foundation Day at the Races, November 16. Tickets are $35.00 deadline, deadline November 1. Proceeds to go to Rotary International.
Stoney announced the Holiday Party, December 6, 2013. $75.00 per person and $150.00 per couple. Cocktails 6-7 P.M., Dinner 7 P.M, and dancing to begin at 7:30 PM, with music provided by the GTS Band. The Kiwanis Club may join us.
Jon Lawlis reported that Ralph Hill has a tumor on his neck
Liliane asks that if you are able to attend the reception for the Consular Corps at 11:30 AM on Friday and wish to bring a guest, that you send her an email or She also asks that you please wear business attire.

Our 7th Annual Crab Feed will be held on Saturday, February 8th. Cocktails at 6, dinner at 7. Raffle following dinner. Tickets are $40/person. Please use button on right to purchase tickets online, or download flyer and use order form to pay by check.
For more information, contact Erle Browne at 510 223-6291, or Henry Moe at 234-4433, ex. 1104.

Each year about 1,000 kids sign up for the Richmond/El Cerrito Fire & Police Holiday Program to receive toys and food. They come to the E.M. Downer YMCA in Richmond, and receive numbered tickets for a chance to receive a bike. Some kids get bikes, some don’t.
By chipping in to Buy a Kid a Bike, fewer children will go away disappointed. One bike plus a helmet is only $47. Richmond Rotary will match the first $4,700 in funds raise.
Use the button on the right to make your donation. Or make checks payable to Richmond Rotary Club, and send to 3260 Blume Drive, Suite 410, Richmond, CA 94806. Download flyer.
MEETING OF October 25, 2013
The meeting was called to order by President Liliane Koziol at 12:30 P.M. Stoney offered a silent prayer for peace, freedom and justice on earth. Sid’s thought-for-the-day, “You can disagree without being disagreeable.”
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Today’s visiting Rotarian—now becoming a familiar face at our meetings—was Jeff Mulvihill, from the Rotary Club of Redding, California. We also welcomed two guests: Ethan Heinrich, invited by Josh Surowitz; and Holvik Kokchian, a guest of Dan Tanita and today’s guest speaker.
Liliane acknowledged the many forms of community activities our members have been engaged in. She recognized the District Conference, where 12,228 food packets were prepared and sent all over the world for Stop Hunger in the World program. Landmine victims received 188 hand prosthesis, and 100 clean water packets were distributed around the world.
Liliane also acknowledged Richmond Rotarians participation at “Dollar Day” at Golden Gate Fields, where our members served beer and hot dogs and, not incidentally, raised $1,000 for the Club.
Finally, she thanked those members who pitched in to plant trees in Richmond for Arbor Day. Liliane gave 11 awards and pins for fellowship and service. Thank you, all.
Recognitions and Happy/Sad Dollars
- Josh Genser was be roasted at the Coronado Neighborhood Council event on the evening of this meeting. He and Elaine will be leaving for Morrocco on November 8th.
- Lesa McIntosh generously contributed $100, in lieu of serving hot dogs at Day at the Races.
- George had happy bucks for being certified to advise his clients about Covered California.
- Lynn had happy dollars in thanks for the Golden Gate Field volunteers, and to mark her happiness about going to Nepal for 3 weeks.
- Dan Sanders is also happy to be traveling. He’s going to Vietnam.
- Bill was happy about buying a new Chevy Volt. Were those dollars saved at the pump, Bill?
- One of the 2 Alans had happy dollars for the Arbor Day tree-planting event. The other Alan, who also pitched in that day, must have been happy that the holes were pre-dug.
- Herb Cole offered moral to support Alan Baer and his daughter.
Norm’s Nonsense
The wife smacks her husband upside the head. He says, “Hey! What was that for?”
“That’s for the piece of paper in your pants pocket with the name ‘Marylou’ on it.”
He explains, “That’s from two weeks ago. I went to the races, and Marylou was the name of one of the horses I bet on.”
She hits him again. He says, “Now what was that for?”
“Your horse called on the phone today.”
Long term planning. A visitor from the Rotary Peace Scholarship program.
This week we welcomed two guest speakers.
Gerald Olivas, a financial representative from Northwestern Mutual Insurance Company, discussed strategies for long term financial planning.
Hovik Kokchian, is a visiting Rotary Peace Scholarship fellow from St. Petersburg, Russia. The program that supports his visit, the Rotary Peace Scholarship, is open to students or young professionals between 20 and 25 years of age. Since graduating from St. Petersburg State Medical University in 2011 with a degree in dentistry, Hovik has participated in charity projects through the Rotary Medicine Arm in Arm program.
Hovik is now involved in a project that offers quality dental treatment for poor children and orphans. It’s no surprise, therefore, that he comes to our attention thanks to our own Dan Tanita, who, as most of you know, established a dental clinic at the Peres Elementary School that provides dental services to low-income children.
Lesa McIntosh, Rotating Scribe