November 2, 2018
NEXT MEETING: November 2, 2018
The Hidden Issue of Early Childhood Mental Health in Richmond
Jeff Sloan, the Executive Director of Early Childhood Mental Health, will tell us about the pervasive and often misunderstood mental health challenges that many of the children in our community experience. He will highlight the causes of early childhood mental health issues and racially disproportionate disparities in available services and resources and most especially, the powerful impact that ECMHP has on these issues in our community.
- Pam Jones announced that is time to “Buy a Bike” for the Annual Holiday Toy and Food program. $49 buys a bike for a kid. Our Club has pledged a matching $5,000. Please use the Donate button in the right hand column to make your donation.
- Pam also wanted to remind all that at our Annual Holiday Auction member need to bring new toys, particularly for children ages 10-12 years, on 11/30.
- Stacey Street reminded all about the Holiday Auction on 11/30. We need to make sure that members are offering items as well as inviting friends to the Auction. We need live auction and silent auction items. An event flyer will be available soon.
- Tamara Shiloh reminded all about the Multicultural Children’s Bookstore fundraiser on 11/2 from 6-8om at The Shops at Hilltop.
MEETING OF October 26, 2018
Past Prez Connie Tritt welcomed all in Prez Jerry’s absence. David Brown led us in the pledge and Herb Cole offered a prayer for peace and freedom. Alan Blavins offered the following, “If love is blind why is lingerie so popular?”
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Edgar DeLeon had 3 guests John Benning, Melodie Gonsaves, and Che Al-Barri. Alan Baer’s guest was Pierre Thomson and Connie introduced Joyce Middlebrook a friend of our speaker.
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
Recognition Master Ric Ambrose did the honors:
- As you might gather from the picture above, Erle Brown was extremely happy to announce that he and Prez Jerry had the honor and privilege to present $100 checks to all of the teachers at Peres Elementary School. More to come
- Edgar DeLeon (was surprised) that he was recognized for his 48th wedding anniversary.
- Jan Brown was happy to announce that she is working on our Richmond Rotary 100th Anniversary celebration to be held April 2020. Anyone interested in helping should contact Jan.
Choices at the end of our lives
Darlene Drapkin introduced out guest speaker Barbara Engdahl who is a retired medical social worker who volunteers with the Compassion & Choices organization, which deals with care and choices at the end of life. Barbara emphasized that everyone should have a direct conversation with their doctor about end of life issues and understand their “right to know” options. Everyone should have a Health Care Directive and discuss their wishes with their family and designate someone with power of attorney. In October 2015 the Aid in Dying law passed in CA which provides an option for terminal patients to end their life. Barbara discussed the role of hospice and other support services. For more information:
- The Menehune, Rotating Scribe