October 10, 2014
NEXT MEETING: October 10, 2014
Hope in Impossible Places
The mission of 11plus is to assist individuals, families, foundations and businesses in addressing the world’s greatest challenges. Its work is inspired by social innovators who actively pursue solutions to these problems. Many of us have the intention and resources to contribute significantly to their efforts, yet the reality of our busy lives doesn’t make it easy. 11plus was created to help close the gap between making a meaningful personal contribution and the barriers that can get in the way. The goal is to promote a more inspired and sustainable kind of global philanthropy. 11plus refers to founding principals, Marc (1) + Angela (1, also the luncheon speaker) plus the experienced team of consultants, clients, grantees and partners who collaborate in this endeavor to bring about life-changing results.
• President Stoney Stonework reminded everyone that the next meeting on October 10th would once again take place at La Strada, our last “away” meeting for a while.
• In Don Lau’s absence, President Stoney reminded everyone to join For Richmond at a no-cost Community Dinner with Ambassador Andrew Young, who is widely recognized for his life’s dedication to humanitarian service and the improvement of social and economic conditions for all. The dinner will take place at the Lovonja DeJean Middle School multi-purpose room on Monday, October 20, 2014. Doors open at 6:00pm with dinner at 6:30pm. Click here to reserve a seat.
MEETING OF October 3, 2014
President Stoney called the meeting to order and asked Jon Lawlis to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Sid Chauvin’s thought for the day was the definition of a conference room: a place where everyone talks, no one listens and all disagree later. Stoney called for a silent prayer for freedom, peace and justice on earth.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
- Jon Lawlis introduced his beautiful and talented daughter Alyssa.
- Joe Bagley introduced his equally beautiful and talented wife Rita.
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
- Joe Bagley had much to celebrate! His wife Rita’s birthday was on September 24th, his birthday was today (hooray for Libras!), and they were married in between the two birthdays. The club erupted into a joyful rendition of “Happy Birthday” for Joe.
- Joe had happy dollars for his great trip to the Old Country (Chicago), a trip that covered 4 states in 10 days (and 6 beds). He was also glad to be back!
- Jim Young had happy dollars to be feeling better and be back at the club.
- David Brown was happy with the initial results of the Giants game – though the score was 0-0 the Giants had had the only hit so far….
- Mark Howe had happy and sad dollars: happy to have completed (and survived) the Keller Cove Swim, but sad that his cousin’s 23 year-old daughter had passed away.
Herb Cole was happy to see Alyssa back at the club!
President Stoney introduced Dr. Elnora Tena Webb, President of Laney College, the flagship of the Peralta Community College District. Despite some technical difficulties, Dr. Webb shared a brief presentation about the history, current state of affairs and strategic goals of Laney College, including expanding the student body and the campus, and doubling the percentage of students who transfer to other higher education institutions. She also mentioned the ongoing goal to provide course offerings (such as welding, machine work, medical-related, etc. ) that lead to work-ready credentials/certificates, since not everyone transfers on to four-year universities. Dr. Webb fielded questions about Laney College and the other colleges in the Peralta district, and how they compare to other community colleges such as University of Phoenix or online colleges. It was noted that some of these other community colleges seem to have a better reputation despite being much more expensive and offering an equivalent, if not inferior, experience. The main obstacles the California Community College system faces are lack of funding, and lack of awareness.
- Stacey Street, Rotating Editor