October 23, 2016
NEXT MEETING: October 23, 2016
Memoir of a Social Activist
Mother, author, and winner of Jefferson Award, Dorothy Crews Herzberg will share stories from a lifetime of social activism. Dorothy’s first book, Me, Madam, illuminates the energy of Nigeria immediately after independence. The letters she wrote to her parents from 1961-1963 describe her experiences living among people struggling to create a new democracy. In 2010 Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner named Dorothy “El Cerrito Woman of the Year” by Assembly Resolution.
Dorothy’s message is that volunteering is caring and generous, and for these reasons, renews our values. She encourages everyone to share their own volunteer experience.
- Alan Baer reminded all about the Golden State Warriors game 1/12 v. Detroit Pistons. Cost $85 with some of the proceeds going to Rotary Polio program. Let Alan know by 10/31.
- Shana Bagley Howe passed out Thank You cards from the Peres Elementary School teachers who received $100 each from Rotary
- Mark Howe (Mr. Bagley) reminded all about Stoney’s BBQ happening 11/12 at Mark and Shana’s home. If you want to attend and did not pay for it donations welcome at the door.
- Shana told us she has assumed the mantle of Calendar Queen. This newly-created position is conferred only upon the most organized and socially conscious individuals—who by genetic predisposition are usually femaie. (You’ve never heard of a Calendar King, have you?) Henceforth, you may find upcoming Richmond Rotary events posted on our calendar page. Thank you, Shana.
- Holiday Auction!! Nick informed us that the Holiday Auction 2016 link is now available on the top bar navigation of this website. (Do you see it?) To list your donation, visit the page, take a moment to experience the frisson of familiarity, then click the red “Post Your Item” button. A form appears in which you
canwill write a description and, if you wish, upload a photo. Do it now and avoid the rush later! Get off the Naughty list! - Alan Blavins reminded all about the “Hike” that will happen on 10/30 at Kennedy Grove and BBQ and pool party at his house.
MEETING OF October 21, 2016
On another beautiful day in Richmond, Prez Josh Surowitz welcomed all to the friendly Richmond Rotary Club. Tom Butt led the Pledge and Herb Cole offered a moment for Peace, Justice and Freedom.
Sergeant-at-Arms Sid Chauvin opined “Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.” – Mark Twain
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Jon Lawlis had as his guest Barry Tyler and Felix Hunziker has as his guest wife Audrey Dela Cruz.
Special Events
President Josh asked Wally Arakozie, and his sponsor Alan Baer, to come up to the podium for Wally’s official induction into the Rotary.
Welcome to the club, Wally!
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
Your Scribe did the honors:
- Your Scribe let everyone know that Charley Wong celebrates his 91st Birthday on 10/23. Please give Charley a call and wish him a Happy Birthday!
- Tom Butt had happy dollars because his Mayor’s Golf Tournament raised over $35,000 to support youth programs in Richmond. He thanked all that attended and helped especially Stacey Street!
- Shana Bagley Howe was happy that she volunteered at RotoCare Clinic and encourage all to do the same.
- Connie Tritt was happy to quack for her Ducks!
- Erle Brown was happy all were safe after the Contractor’s Lunch. Jon Lawlis was also happy about the Contractors Lunch and let everyone know they should bid on it this year. Bob Dabney was happy he made it out of the Contractor’s Lunch alive.
- Sid Chauvin was sorry that he screwed up on how old he was going to be on 12/2.
Prez Josh put up for bid 2 tickets to the Rotary Day at the Races that were from George Egan. They were bought by Bob Dabney
Manage Your Time Or It Will Manage You
Stacey Street introduced our speaker Julie Mathern of Focal Point Coaching Excellence. Her presentation “Time Management-Managing Your Time or It Will Manage You” offered us an opportunity to understand how we use our time and how we could do that more effectively. We need to understand how to set priorities. What’s important and urgent versus urgent but not important. How difficult it is to multi-task. Also the ABCDE Method of organizing your work: must, A-must, B-should, C-nice, D-delegate and E-eliminate. She encouraged us to plan each day by making a list of what needs to be done and then prioritizing that list.
- The Menehune, Rotating Editor