September 22, 2017
NEXT MEETING: September 22, 2017
A Planning Update from City of Richmond
City of Richmond Director of Planning and Building, Richard Mitchell will provide an update on key projects and trends in the City of Richmond, as well as a snapshot of how things will be in the future such as:
• Terminal One
• Ferry to San Francisco
• New West Communities (Quarry Project)
• And many others!
- President Connie Tritt thanked Past President Josh Surowitz in his absence for organizing the book drive and labeling project to help kids in Richmond Schools. It was fun and productive at last week’s meeting!
- President Connie announced that Rotary District 5160 is having a Fall Training Seminar on Saturday, September 23rd in Martinez. She referred everyone to agendas on the tables.
- Visiting San Pablo Rotarian Carol Robinson encouraged everyone to attend the “Night in Tuscany” fundraiser on Friday, September 29th at the Galileo Club in Richmond. Visit for more information.
- President Connie passed around a sign-up sheet for a Rotary Tree Planting Event on Saturday, October 21st. Felix Hunziker would likely have more information.
- Connie noted that golf tournament season is not yet over, and the Club would be meeting one last time for a while at Café Soleil, on September 29th. Next week the Club will meet at Richmond Country Club to hear Richard Mitchell, City of Richmond’s Director of Planning.
- David Brown said he is happy to take donations toward the Club’s upcoming bike giveaway.
- Connie introduced Mayra Padilla, Director of the Metas Program and Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Equity for Contra Costa College. Mayra was a speaker at the Club last year. Metas, a free program for families, prepares preschool through 12th-grade students in the communities surrounding Contra Costa College to meet the demands of higher education. This includes increasing proficiency in reading, writing and math, and increasing self-confidence and self-perception. Through the support of Metas, 100% of its 12th grade students graduate high school and enroll in college. Mayra announced that METAS would be celebrating its 30th Anniversary, and invited everyone to attend and support its Gala on November 17th at the Mira Vista Country Club. Visit for more information.
MEETING OF September 15, 2017
President Connie called the meeting to order and asked Don Lau to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Herb Cole led a silent prayer for peace, freedom and justice on earth. The Club missed hearing from “thoughtful” Sid Chauvin who was out.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
- Carol Robinson and Sonia Rivas were both visiting from San Pablo Rotary Club.
- Jon Lawlis introduced his sweetie Darlene Quenville. President Connie noted that Darlene wouldn’t be a guest for much longer – she has submitted an application for membership in Richmond Rotary!
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
Ric Ambrose did the honors.
- Bob Dabney celebrated his 87th birthday with a trip to Cabo San Lucas. He also announced the Iron Triangle Community Picnic and Health Fair at Nevin Park on Saturday, September 23rd 10 am to 3 pm. Andre Thierry is performing 11 -1, an event not to be missed! Call 510-932-9031 for more information.
- Stacey Street (your scribe!) celebrated her birthday on 9/11 with a week-long celebration. Breakfast in bed from her daughter and dinner out with friends on her actual birthday, a home-cooked meal with friends mid-week, and a ladies’ spa day Saturday!
- Tiffany Strauss had an upcoming celebration for her 6th Wedding Anniversary.
- Don Lau had happy dollars for the early arrival of his second grandson, Maverick Anthony Coaches. He added happy dollars later for running into former member Rich Brandes in Hawaii, who sent regards to everyone.
- David Brown had happy dollars to learn that member Oscar Garcia was safe and sound in Scotland after visiting England.
- Jon Lawlis was happy that Darlene had surprised him by arranging for his daughter to say hello in person before coming to the Rotary meeting. Also, he was happy to run into former member Michael Gill, who misses everyone and hopes to attend a meeting soon.
- Pam Jones was happy to share an announcement with Alan Baer. She attended San Ramon Valley Rotary with Alan’s daughter Stephanie Baer, who is President of El Cerrito Interact Club, and they are collecting $1000 to support Richmond Rotary’s bicycle drive. Neville Guard, current President of SRVR Club donated the first $500! Alan added that to show thanks for Neville and San Ramon Valley, he was planning on buying a table at their upcoming Scotch, Cigars and Champagne fundraiser on October 21st. Please join him!
Keeping Kids Safe
Your Scribe introduced the speaker for the day, Carol Shenon, Child Safety Program Manager for the Contra Costa Child Abuse Prevention Council. Carol has over 15 years experience working on children’s health and advocacy issues, including time at the American Lung Association.
The Child Abuse Prevention Council promotes safety for children and prevents abuse. Key programs include the community education program, child safety program, parent education, a new parents kit, the “Surviving Parenthood” guide that lists every resource in the county for parents and children, a special needs fund, and a support group for parents who have lost their children.
Carol first shared startling statistics about child abuse, and next focused on the Speak Up Be Safe Program, a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate program for 1st through 6th Graders, currently featured in some Richmond elementary schools. The program educates and empowers students, teachers and caregivers about abuse, bullying, cyberbullying and sexual harassment, and encourages honest communication when abuse or harassment is encountered. The program includes two safety lessons in each classroom, not large assemblies. Follow-up activities are administered by teachers to reinforce the lessons’ content. Take-home educational materials are distributed among students to share with parents and caregivers and to encourage discussion on these important topics. Response from teachers and students has been extremely positive since the program began in 2013. Visit for more information.
- Stacey Street, Rotating Editor