December 6, 2019
NEXT MEETING: December 6, 2019
Helping people achieve economic mobility
Rubicon’s vision is an East Bay without poverty. Our program model equips participants for long-term economic mobility through guided participation and achievement in four areas: Income, Assets, Wellness, and Community Connections.
In Richmond, most participants are reentering the community following incarceration. The scattered reentry landscape is itself an obstacle for this population, challenging to navigate even for those with ample psychological and practical resources. Rubicon’s whole person model equips people, under one roof, with the tools needed for sustained stability. We look forward to sharing a brief presentation of Rubicon Programs with you, including the perspective of a program participant.
- Our HOLIDAY AUCTION is December 13. If you haven’t already made your donation to the Auction, please do it now. To build the most interest and bring out the most guests, Nick told us, it’s important that our Auction page is stuffed with great stuff—and soon!
- We were greeted by four new beautiful banners, displaying Rotary flags from all over the world courtesy of Sid and, of course, Zelpha! Sid counts 75 more flags that still need to be prepared. Thank you Sid and Zelpha for a great gift of history.
- Pam Jones reminds members to bring to the Auction on December 13 unwrapped canned food and unwrapped gifts for children around 10 years old. (Think baseball, soccer ball, art supplies . . .).
- Rotary Lite will take place at at El Agave Azul , from 6-7:30 PM, on December 17.
- Richmond Rotary Board Meeting at El Agave Azul, from 5 – 6 PM, on December 17 (before Rotary Lite)
- A Club Assembly will take place on December 20
MEETING OF November 22, 2019
President Jan Brown opened the meeting, Henry Moe led the pledge, Jim Findley held a moment of silence for Peace Justice and Freedom on Earth and we had no thought for the day.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
- Cathy Durfee from Walnut Creek Rotary was visiting today. Cathy is also on the Board of the Rosie the Riveter Trust.
- Membership chair, Tamara Shiloh, introduced new member, Ms. LaTanya Dandie, and her two guests, Ms. Dandie’s daughter and her daughter’s best friend, who just happens to be Tamara’s niece. Small world!
Special Events
Ms. Dandie was inducted into the Club by Tamara Shiloh. Her sponsor is Darlene Drapkin.
Recognitions and Happy and Sad Dollars
- Tamara had happy $’s for her grandson’s achievements and that her daughter is here with her.
- Jan had happy $’s for all the great work Ric Ambrose did during his tenure at the Richmond Art Center
- Erle had happy $’s for the big game and hopes not to lose another bottle of scotch to you know who
- Edgar Deleon had happy $’s that his son is going to visit from Boston; more happy $s that Stacey Street (a Grammy Award Winning singer ) will be singing the National Anthem at Wreaths Across America on Sat. December 14 in the Presidio; and sad $’s about his job being downsized out but happy $s that he started a consulting group which is going to be successful!
- Herb Cole had happy and sad $’s Sad that he has to leave early today for his trip and happy that he is going on a family trip.
- Ms. Dandie had happy $’s that her daughter is going to be the princess on the Rose Parade Float.
- Pam Jones had happy $’s for the toy program and that everyone in the club should bring a gift on Dec 13
- Ric had happy $’s for his last day at the Art Center and Go Ducks
Tom Leatherman, Superintendent at National Park Service historic sites in the East Bay, provided an overview of Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historic Park, calling attention to the Park’s lasting impacts and benefits.
- Henry Moe, “Rotating Editor”