November 22, 2013
NEXT MEETING: November 22, 2013
Living Healthy with Today's Food Chain
Cheryl Waits, a Registered Nurse for 35 years, shares the good news about nutrition and its connection to living a more pain-free, disease-free, vibrant life. She will discuss how various changes in foods over the past 100 years (GMO, pesticides, herbicides, processing, heating, corporate farming, etc.) means we all need to be more informed and watchful in looking out for our own health.
Have you contributed yet to the Holiday Auction, December 6th. Our most important fundraiser of the year is only a few weeks away, so please add your contribution today! The number of items helps build the excitement and interest that is key to our success. Use our handy Holiday Auction contribution form to send us a description and a good photo, if you have one.
- Richmond Rotary’s Annual Holiday Party will be held on December 6th at 6pm, at the Richmond Country Club. Dinner will be served at 7pm. The terrific dance band, GTS, begins playing at 7:30. The buffet-style dinner will offer a chicken, beef, or pasta dish. The Kiwanis Club of Richmond will join us this year. $150 per couple, and $75 per person. Richmond Country Club. Buy tickets online (see right side column) or mail checks to David Brown.
Reminder: Our 7th Annual Crab Feed will be held on Saturday, February 8th. Cocktails at 6, dinner at 7. Raffle following dinner. Tickets are $40/person. Please use button on right to purchase tickets online, or download flyer and use order form to pay by check.
For more information, contact Erle Brown at 510 223-6291, or Henry Moe at 234-4433, ex. 1104. -
Another reminder: Each year about 1,000 kids sign up for the Richmond/El Cerrito Fire & Police Holiday Program to receive toys and food– and, if they’re lucky–a bike! Through a free raffle a some kids get bikes, some don’t.
David Brown tells us we still have a long way to go to reach the club’s matching level of $4,700. Chip in, please, and Buy a Kid a Bike so fewer children will go away disappointed. One bike plus a helmet is only $47.
Please make checks payable to Richmond Rotary Club, and mail to 3260 Blume Drive, Suite 410, Richmond, CA 94806. Or click the Donate button on the right to make your contribution online. Download flyer.
- December 13th is the date of our Toy Drive for the Richmond and El Cerrito Fire Departments. Bring your unwrapped donations to the meeting
- Bike donations can still be given to David Brown. $47 per bike includes a helmet and the club will match donations up to 100 bikes.
- Richmond Rotary Crab Feed will be held at Salesian HS on February 8th. Cocktails at 6pm, dinner at 7pm. The Crab Feed costs $40 and checks can be sent to David Brown to secure your spot. Doug Millar, from San Pablo Rotary, is the first to buy seats. Invite your friends and make it a fun evening. For more information call Erle Brown 510-223-6291 or Henry Moe 510-234-4433 ex 1104.
- The Bangladesh Vespas project will provide 2 Vespas (motor bikes) for the women in Bangladesh who train people about arsenic water safety. The Club is seeking 7 more contributions of $100 to meet this worthy goal.
- This Saturday, November 23rd, at 4pm, Alan Baer will host a BBQ fundraiser at his home to benefit the Disaster Victims on Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. All are invited. Alan’s address is 3001 Barkley Drive, Richmond CA 94806. Bring your appetite and a check.
MEETING OF November 15, 2013
Red Badger Ethan Heinrich led the pledge. Stoney led the invocation. Sid’s thought for the day: The best thing a parent can do for a child is love his or her spouse. Liliane greeted the Rotary with enthusiasm and reminded all Richmond Rotarians that as a group, we must get involved because that is how we change people’s lives for the better.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Lucy Wu, the guest of Ethan Heinrich.
Richard Poe, Jean Yvesi Charon and Cheryl Vaughn were all guests of Tom Butt.
Heather Kulp brought her guest, who also happens to be her husband, Barry, to our meeting.
We also welcomed Neal Wells, a visiting Rotarian from the Orinda Rotary
Recognitions and Happy/Sad Dollars
- Erle Brown Celebrated 37 years in Richmond Rotary on Nov 5th
- Herb had happy dollars for USC’s treatment of the Cal Football Team
- Stoney had sad dollars for what is going on in Syria
- Heather had happy dollars that she can start drinking again in 48 hours, that is, after she runs her half marathon on Saturday.
- Joan Davis is going on vacation in Hawaii and will see Don Lau. Don is there to celebrate his Dad’s 97 birthday
- Neal Wells had happy dollars that the Cal Band will be playing at the Orinda Country club at the Orinda Rotary meeting on Wednesday November 20
- Tom Butt had happy dollars that his company is celebrating 40 years of success
- Doris had happy dollars for her 8 years of wedded bliss
- Erle Brown gave a quick sunshine report on Ralph Hill who came through his operation and is recovering nicely
Norm’s Nonsense
A woman was going through her husband’s desk drawer and discovered three soybeans in an envelope containing $30 in cash. So she asked him about it.
And the husband said, “Well, I have to confess. Over the years, I haven’t been completely faithful to you. But every time I cheated, I put a soybean in the drawer to remind myself.”
“So, where did the $30 come from?” she asked.
“Well, when soybeans hit $10 dollars a bushel, I decided to sell.”
The Warning Signs of Elder Abuse
Patricia Fisher, a Board Certified Forensic Document Examiner, spoke about the signs of elder abuse. Ms. Fisher described some of cases she has worked on. She identified what cues alerted her to attempts to present fraudulent wills and codicils to a court. She outlines these signs in the attached document, Ten Red Flags of Elder Abuse. Distilling years of field experience, it’s worth a look.
Henry Moe, Rotating Editor