January 17, 2013
The Flywheel
Archive issue
NEXT MEETING: January 17, 2013
Marin Clean Energy
Ben Choi, a representative of Marin Clean Energy, will tell us about how MCE works to help minimize our global carbon footprint by increasing the amount of renewable energy delivered to our homes. Today MCE is providing service to approximately 35,000 Richmond customers.
- Don Lau reported that the holiday toy giveaway was a smashing success and that over 800 families were served. Over 400 bikes were given away at the event also.
- Alan Baer reported that enough money was raised to buy both Vespas for the Bangladesh health project.
- Connie encouraged everyone who is close to earning their next Paul Harris award to get their donations in so that we can have several awards to present during the District Governor’s visit on February 7th.
Henry Moe reminded everyone of the Crab Feed on February 8th. We have sold 60 tickets so far and are aiming for 140. Give your reservation forms to Erle Brown and your money ($40 per ticket) to David Brown. Download flyer.
- Alan officially announced that the District Governor will visit the club at the February 7th meeting.
MEETING OF January 10, 2014
Alan Baer, pinch-hitting for Liliane today, welcomed everyone. Bob Dabney led the pledge of allegiance and Stoney Stonework asked for a silent prayer for freedom, peace, and justice on earth. Sid gave us these pithy words of wisdom: “Its easy to get to the top once you get through the crowd at the bottom”.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
We were joined today by visiting Governor Elect Fred Collignon from the Berkeley club. Other guests included:
• Bill Zeier, guest of Alan Baer and Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of El Sobrante;
• Cheryl Vaughn of Solar Richmond and guest of Tom Butt;
• Dana Stoehr, also a guest of Tom Butt of the Craneway Pavilion;
• Chris Sindayen, guest of Ethan Heindrich of Turner Construction; and
• Charles Anderson, guest of Connie Tritt.
Recognitions and Happy/Sad Dollars
- Don Lau announced that Pam had a birthday on January 1st, in honor of which Pam made a donation to the Foundation.
- Tom Butt had a donation for the Foundation in honor of his 42nd anniversary which he celebrated last November. He celebrated it at the Moab Folk Festival and then in Cuba.
- Josh Genser had sad dollars because his team lost in the Rose Bowl to Cal, for which he presented Erle Brown with the “fine” bottle of Scotch they had wagered on the game.
- Nick Despota was very happy because it appears that there is some bipartisan agreement in Congress to try to move the country further toward income equality.
- John Wilson had happy dollars because his son made a fine presentation to the Woodland Rotary Club recently.
- Hank Covell had happy dollars because he received a phone call from Ralph Hill who is ready to receive calls and visits, and because he will soon be playing poker with Dave Calfee.
- Erle had happy dollars for the very pleasurable December and early January he’s had. Cal won at the Rose Bowl (for which he received the “fine” bottle of Scotch). Nonetheless, he played it low key and didn’t rub it in too much.
- Joan Davis was happy because her team won at the Gator Bowl (except no one knew which team that was). She also brought a $100 donation from one of her guests who wasn’t able to make the holiday auction.
- Don himself had happy dollars as his younger daughter Hailey announced her engagement on Christmas. The wedding will be in May.
Norm’s Nonsense
The old retired general goes into the base hospital for his annual physical. “Any complaints about your physical condition?” the doctor asks.
“My sex life isn’t as good as it used to be,” complains the general.
“Really, General, when was the last time you had sexual relations?” asks the doctor.
“1958!” says the general
“Well, no wonder,” says the doctor, “that is a long time ago and you’re an old man!”
The general, angry, replies, “Whaddya mean, it’s only a little after 2100 right now!”
Helping former inmates successfully integrate into our communities
Bob Dabney introduced the speakers from Men and Women of Purpose, a local group that works with inmates at the jail and with those being released. Antwon Cloird said that he and several others who had been incarcerated and drug addicted when they were younger started the group because there weren’t programs to help people like them coming out of the jail and prison system. The group is non-profit and has been supported wholly by the members themselves until they recently received funding through the AB109 legislation.
Mr. Ivory Mitchell, also previously incarcerated, joined the group to help those who are looking for a way to change their lives but don’t know how and have lost both hope and direction. He assisted in writing the curriculum for the program and to date they have served approximately 415 men. They’ve placed 60 so far in residential treatment programs.
Lastly, Mr. Frank Hancock spoke about the outpatient services they provide which are focused on getting their participants to change their mindset, to think positively, and to see a future for themselves.
The group serves all of Contra Costa County and works with both men and women of all ethnicities.
Lynn Martin, Roving Rotary Reporter