July 17, 2020
NEXT MEETING: July 17, 2020
Guatemala Literacy Project

The Guatemala Literacy Project is one of the largest grassroots, multi-club, multi-district projects in Rotary. More than 600 clubs and 80 districts have been working together since 1997 to improve education for underserved students in Guatemala.
At our next meeting, Joe Berninger of the GLP will share the work being done in that nation to end the cycle of poverty through education.
- You’re looking at the latest incarnation in the long-running history of The Flywheel. (How long?) But this email is only half of our new online communication plan. We have also put together a new home page for our website. Until now the home page been the current week’s edition of The Flywheel.
- The new home page will change less frequently than the weekly Flywheel. It will provide quick links into the website for frequently-accessed information, and the familiar sidebar functions like paying dues and browsing our archive. And something new: a “billboard” that spotlights new Club projects, initiatives by members, and other content that merits longer exposure than The Flywheel offered.
That’s it—for now. We’ll be interested in your ideas to help develop our new communication system to better serve your interests.
- Tom Herriman told us about the purchase of mobile showers for Richmond from his group, SOS Richmond. Talk to Tom to learn more.
- Pierre Thompson announced a seventh avenue of service for Rotary International: Environmental Action. Stay tuned for more information
The Global Virome Project
Dr. Zoe Grange and Dr. Jennifer Lane, UC Davis presented the vision of the project, to discover the majority of animal viruses with pandemic potential at a fraction of the cost of a pandemic response. The GVP focus is to present this data on a website so that testing protocols for public health can be implemented and populations can take action before a pandemic. The overall advice to protect yourself and your family is to practice basic hygiene. Wash your hands after touching pets, maintain social distancing and watch your behavior.