March 1, 2013
The Flywheel
Archive issue
NEXT MEETING: March 1, 2013
Bay Area Storytelling Festival
Jean Ellisen will tell us all about the upcoming Bay Area Storytelling Festival, focusing on the children’s study trip. Jean has been telling stories all her life, and in many locations around the world. She is an artist, a teacher, a mentor, and friend of the storytelling community at large.
MEETING OF February 22, 2013
President Jim Young welcomed the large gathering today. The invocation was lead by Stoney. The Thought for the Day was offered by Herb: “The highway of life is littered with flat squirrels who couldn’t make up their minds which way to go.” President Jim then added, “Henry Ford said there are two kinds of people: those who think they can and those who think they can’t, and they’re both right.”
Visiting Rotarians
Rich Brandeis, former Richmond Rotarian and President of our club, who is President of the Mendocino club, along with his wife, Lisa.
Rotarians with Guests
Alan Baer brought his daughter, Stephanie.
Connie brought Donna Runnalls.
Sunshine Report
Josh S is present and, apparently, feeling better.
Joe B passed around a get well card for past Richmond Rotarian Gary Bell.
- The Rotacare Clinic grand opening was a great success, with lots of people in attendance.
- Felix invites Rotarians to another tree planting on Saturday February 23, which has already happened as you read this.
- March 16, 9am, Community Garden clean-up and soil preparation on 1st Street.
- March 16 will be the BARSHEEP St. Patrick’s Day party at Hs Lordships.
- March 21, Cliff Doctorman will speak at a joint meeting of Pinole and El Cerrito Rotary, probably at the Mira Vista Country Club.
- April 20 Richmond Tales Family Festival at the Richmond Auditorium.
- April 27, 4:00 p.m., the Howe-Stoney BBQ (for those who bought it at the auction) at Mark’s house.
Happy and Sad Dollars
Alan Baer had happy dollars for his daughter’s birthday.
Henry Moe, for one of Salesian’s basketball players being named All-American and for the compliments the Rotaract kids received at the Rotacare Clinic grand opening to which they wore their Rotaract jackets.
Jon had happy dollars because he’s on his way to Puerto Vallarta.
Herb was happy to see Lisa Brandeis, who helped the Bakersfield School District get a $7 million grant when he was working there.
Norm’s Nonsense
A farmer was out working in his field one day when a carload of politicians came flying by. They were going too fast for the curve and turned over in the ditch. Later the sheriff stopped by and asked the farmer if he had seen the car.
“Yep,” replied the farmer.
“Where are they?” asked the sheriff.
“Over there,” replied the farmer, pointing to the ditch filled with fresh dirt.
“You buried them?” asked the sheriff, “Were they still alive?”
Replied the farmer, “They said they were, but you know how those people lie.”
Club Assembly and a proposal for a new international project
Josh Surowitz announced the formation of four membership teams. Each team is now engaged in a friendly competition to see who can bring in the most new members. The winning team will be treated to a party at a restaurant, location to be determined. Members of non-winning teams will need to pay their own tab. Too bad.
Jim has made good progress in arranging funding for the play, Lost Secrets of the Iron Triangle, that the Club is producing in collaboration with the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts. We have raised $30,500, and need another $19,500 to meet our goal of $50,000. There are several grant applications pending and volunteer opportunities coming.
President Jim passed out a list of proposals for projects, and pointed out that any successful project needs a champion.
Connie Tritt introduced Donna Runnells, who is spearheading a clean water project in Ecuador. Donna runs a non-profit called the Living Bridges Foundation, which has brought clean water to small villages in Ecuador. The cost for each village is $38,000. So far, Ecuadoran Rotary Clubs have not returned anybody’s calls. But members in our club, including Herb Cole, who’s had plenty of experience with international projects, sounded optimistic about the possibilities of supporting this worthy project.
Josh Genser, pinch-hitting scribe